Answer the questions below and then click "submit" to send your answers. Spelling and spacing WILL affect the scoring of your answers. CaPItaLizaTion will not affect the scoring of your answers.

After answering 50 questions, ONLY 50 questions, please type your last name, comma, first name. In the space for class, simply type "noon." Thank you, and please take as much time as you like to answer each of the 50 questions.

  1. p. 125--From which of the 50 states was the 1996 Reform Party presidential nominee?
  2. Your answer:

  3. p. 125 The sponsor of the presidential debates would be most likely show bias against: Democrats, Republicans, or others?
  4. Your answer:

  5. p. 125--What three words best describe the method used to measure the popularity of candidates for elective office?
  6. Your answer:

  7. p. 125 (center)--What was the last name of the businessman who was the 1996 Reform Party presidential nominee?
  8. Your answer:

  9. p. 126 (top)--What was the last name of the incumbent Democratic president defeated by Ronald Reagan in the 1980 presidential election?
  10. Your answer:

  11. p. 126--What was the last name of the former California governor who was the successful 1980 Republican challenger for President?
  12. Your answer:

  13. p. 126 (item #2)--What was the last name of the 1992 independent presidential candidate who withdrew from the presidential campaign while earning double-digit support in public opinion polls?
  14. Your answer:

  15. p. 126 (item #4)--What was the last name of the incumbent Democratic President seeking re-election in 1996?
  16. Your answer:

  17. p. 126 (item #4)--What was the last name of the 1996 Republican presidential challenger to the president who had been an Arkansas governor?
  18. Your answer:

  19. p. 126 (item #4)--What was the last name of the 1996 Reform Party challenger to the incumbent president whose participation in presidential debates was strongly supported by public opinion polls?
  20. Your answer:

  21. p. 128 (bottom) and p. 129--What was the last name of the 1992 Republican incumbent president who agreed to debate two opponents?
  22. Your answer:

  23. p. 128 (bottom) and p. 129--What was the last name of the 1992 Democratic presidential candidate who agreed to debate two opponents?
  24. Your answer:

  25. p. 128 (bottom) and p. 129--What was the last name of the 1992 independent presidential candidate who staged one of the most impressive media campaigns of modern presidential politics and was included in the 1992 presidential debates?
  26. Your answer:

  27. p. 129 (bottom) and p. 130 (top)--What were the first and last names [or two initials] of the 1912 "Bull Moose" Progressive presidential candidate who split the vote of the majority Republican Party and allowed a Democrat to win?
  28. Your answer:

  29. p. 129 (bottom)--What is the full name of the month in which a presidential candidate receives the popular vote?
  30. Your answer:

  31. p. 129 (bottom) and p. 130--In the 1992 presidential election Perot received 19% of the popular vote, but only what number of electoral college votes?
  32. Your answer:

  33. p. 130 (top)--What letter correctly indicates the 1992 presidential presidential candidate who received a majority of the popular vote?
    a Perot
    b Bush
    c Clinton
    d no one
  34. Your answer:

  35. p. 130 (top)--What letter correctly indicates the 1992 presidential presidential candidate who was elected by the smallest plurality of the popular vote since Nixon's election?
    a Perot
    b Bush
    c Clinton
    d no one
  36. Your answer:

  37. p. 130 (top)--What letter correctly indicates the 1992 presidential incumbent who received neither a majority nor a plurality of the popular vote?
    a Perot
    b Bush
    c Clinton
    d no one
  38. Your answer:

  39. p. 130 (item #1)--What were the total number of times that Perot sought the presidency as an independent or as the candidate of a third party [also called minor party]?
  40. Your answer:

  41. p. 131 (middle)--What was the last name of the billionaire 1996 minor party presidential candidate?
  42. Your answer:

  43. p. 131 (middle)--What was the last name of the senate majority leader who was the 1996 Republican presidential candidate?
  44. Your answer:

  45. p. 132--Which letter best describes those who benefit from the bias of the group that holds presidential debates?
    a major parties
    b minor parties
    c third parties
    d independent candidates
  46. Your answer:

  47. p. 133--What was the last name of the Democrat most recently reelected President?
  48. Your answer:

  49. p. 133--What were the first and last names [or two initials, or three initials] of the Democrat before Clinton who was reelected president?
  50. Your answer:

  51. p. 117--In the 1988 presidential election of Bush the 50.1 percent turnout was a bare __________ of the registered voters
  52. Your answer:

  53. p. 117--In 1994 with a turnout of about one third of the registered voters the __________ Party became a majority in the House of Representatives
  54. Your answer:

  55. p. 117--For the 40 years prior to the 1994 victory of the Republican Party the __________ Party had a majority in the House of Representatives
  56. Your answer:

  57. p. 117--People of what age tend to have a higher rate of voting turnout: younger age, older age or is there no age difference in voting turnout?
  58. Your answer:

  59. p. 117--People with what amount of formal education tend to have a higher rate of turnout to vote: less, more, or is there no education difference in voting turnout?
  60. Your answer:

  61. p. 117--People with what amount of income tend to have a higher rate of turnout to vote: less, more, or is there no income difference in voting turnout?
  62. Your answer:

  63. p. 117--People living in what region tend to have a lower rate of turnout to vote: South, North, or is there no regional difference in voting turnout?
  64. Your answer:

  65. p. 117--People living in what tend to have a lower rate of turnout to vote: urban , suburban, or is there no population density difference in voting turnout?
  66. Your answer:

  67. p. 117--People living in what tend to have a lower rate of turnout to vote: rural , suburban, or is there no population density difference in voting turnout?
  68. Your answer:

  69. p. 120--In the mid-1990's, "...a large proportion of newly registered voters were" in the North, in minor parties, or among independent voters?
  70. Your answer:

  71. p. 122--In the 1996 election when there was less than a majority turnout of registered voters, who was elected over Republican challenger Dole and minor party candidate Perot?
  72. Your answer:

  73. p. 101-- The Watergate scandal took place during the reelection campaign of the president with which last name?
  74. Your answer:

  75. p. 101--a bipartisan bill probably involves authors or supporters from how many parties?
  76. Your answer:

  77. p. 103--What were the first and last names [or two initials, or three initials] of the president most closely associated with the New Deal?
  78. Your answer:

  79. p. 105--What was the last name of the president who resigned to avoid a trial after being impeached?
  80. Your answer:

  81. p. 106--A nonparty campaign funding organization "established by unions, businesses, legislators, or presidential candidates" is called a PAC, PEC, PIC, or a POC
  82. Your answer:

  83. p. 107 (top)--What single word best describes an employee of an interest group who may "use campaign contributions as a way of influencing politicians for their ... organizational needs"?
  84. Your answer:

  85. p. 109 (center)--TheAFL-CIO is regarded as favoring which political party as shown by its spending during the 1996 campaign: Democratic, Republican, Green, Libertarian, American Independent, Natural Law, or Peace and Freedom

    Your answer:

  86. p. 84 (item #2)--Which interest group is most likely to defend free speech guarantees--including the right to commercial speech: AFL-CIO, ACLU, AMA AIM or the Children's Defense Fund?
  87. Your answer:

  88. p. 91 (top)--Which interest group composed of physicians was most likely to be part of the anti-tobacco lobby that wanted the termination of Joe Camel ads?
    , AMA AIMor the Children's Defense Fund?
  89. Your answer:

  90. p. 91(bottom)--What is the last name of the 1996 Republican presidential nominee who was regarded as a supporter of the tobacco lobby?
  91. Your answer:

  92. p. 71 (bottom)--After the 1994 elections what U.S. Senators and House of Representative members of which political party controlled both houses of Congress: Democratic, Republican, Green, Libertarian, American Independent, Natural Law, or Peace and Freedom?
  93. Your answer:

  94. p. 77--Children of families of lower socioeconomic (SES) families are most likely to have parents who vote for which political party: Democratic, Republican, Green, Libertarian, American Independent, Natural Law, or Peace and Freedom?
  95. Your answer:

  96. p. 78 (top)--What is the last name of President Nixon's speech writer who later ran for the Presidential nomination of the Republican Party [and most recently of the Reform Party]
  97. Your answer:

  98. p. 79 (item #2)--Which letter best defines the term "rural"
    a urban
    b suburban
    c low population density?
  99. Your answer:

  100. p. 78 (top)--What is the last name of President Nixon's speech writer who later ran for the Presidential nomination of the Republican Party [and most recently of the Reform Party]
  101. Your answer:

  102. p. 77--Children of families of lower socioeconomic (SES)families are most likely to have parents who vote for which political party: Democratic, Republican, Green, Libertarian, American Independent, Natural Law, or Peace and Freedom?
  103. Your answer:

  104. p. 79 (item #2)--Which letter best defines the term "rural"
    a urban
    b suburban
    c low population density?
  105. Your answer:

  106. p. 84 (item #2)--Which interest group is most likely to defend free speech guarantees--including the right to commercial speech: AFL-CIO, ACLU, AMA AIM or the Children's Defense Fund?
  107. Your answer:

  108. p. 91 (top)--Which interest group composed of physicians was most likely to be part of the anti-tobacco lobby that wanted the termination of Joe Camel ads?AFL-CIO, ACLU, AMA AIM or the Children's Defense Fund?
  109. Your answer:

  110. p. 91(bottom)--What is the last name of the 1996 Republican presidential nominee who was regarded as a supporter of the tobacco lobby
  111. Your answer:

  112. p. 71 (bottom)--After the 1994 elections what U.S. Senators and House of Representative members of which political party controlled both houses of Congress: Democratic, Republican, Green, Libertarian, American Independent, Natural Law, or Peace and Freedom?
  113. Your answer:

  114. p. 101-- The Watergate scandal took place during the reelection campaign of the president with which last name?
  115. Your answer:

  116. p. 101--a bipartisan bill probably involves authors or supporters from how many parties?
  117. Your answer:

  118. p. 103--What were the first and last names [or two initials, or three initials] of the president most closely associated with the New Deal?
  119. Your answer:

  120. p. 105--What was the last name of the president who resigned to avoid a trial after being impeached?
  121. Your answer:

  122. p. 106--A nonparty campaign funding organization "established by unions, businesses, legislators, or presidential candidates" is called a PAC, PEC, PIC, or a POC?
  123. Your answer:

  124. p. 107 (top)--What single word best describes an employee of an interest group who may "use campaign contributions as a way of influencing politicians for their ... organizational needs"?
  125. Your answer:

  126. p. 109 (center)--TheAFL-CIO is regarded as favoring which political party as shown by its spending during the 1996 campaign: Democratic, Republican, Green, Libertarian, American Independent, Natural Law, or Peace and Freedom

    Your answer:

  127. p. 117--In the 1988 presidential election of Bush the 50.1 percent turnout was a bare __________ of the registered voters
  128. Your answer:

  129. p. 117--In 1994 with a turnout of about one third of the registered voters the __________ Party became a majority in the House of Representatives
  130. Your answer:

  131. p. 117--For the 40 years prior to the 1994 victory of the Republican Party the __________ Party had a majority in the House of Representatives
  132. Your answer:

  133. p. 117--People of what age tend to have a higher rate of voting turnout: younger age, older age or is there no age difference in voting turnout?
  134. Your answer:

  135. p. 117--People with what amount of formal education tend to have a higher rate of turnout to vote: less, more, or is there no education difference in voting turnout?
  136. Your answer:

  137. p. 117--People with what amount of income tend to have a higher rate of turnout to vote: less, more, or is there no income difference in voting turnout?
  138. Your answer:

  139. p. 117--People living in what region tend to have a lower rate of turnout to vote: South, North, or is there no regional difference in voting turnout?
  140. Your answer:

  141. p. 117--People living in what density of population tend to have a lower rate of turnout to vote: urban , suburban, or is there no population density difference in voting turnout?
  142. Your answer:

  143. p. 117--People living in what tend to have a lower rate of turnout to vote: rural , suburban, or is there no population density difference in voting turnout?
  144. Your answer:

  145. p. 120--In the mid-1990's, "...a large proportion of newly registered voters were" in the North, in minor parties, or among independent voters?
  146. Your answer:

  147. p. 122--In the 1996 election when there was less than a majority turnout of registered voters, who was elected over Republican challenger Dole and minor party candidate Perot?
  148. Your answer:

  149. p. 133--What was the last name of the Democrat most recently reelected President?
  150. Your answer:

  151. p. 133--What were the full names [or two initials, or three initials] of the Democrat before Clinton who was reelected president?
  152. Your answer:

  153. p. 132--Which letter best describes those who benefit from the bias of the group that holds presidential debates?
    a major parties
    b minor parties
    c third parties
    d independent candidates
  154. Your answer:

  155. p. 131 (middle)--What was the last name of the billionaire 1996 minor party presidential candidate?
  156. Your answer:

  157. p. 131 (middle)--What was the last name of the senate majority leader who was the 1996 Republican presidential candidate?
  158. Your answer:

  159. p. 130 (top)--What letter correctly indicates the 1992 presidential presidential candidate who received a majority of the popular vote?
    a Perot
    b Bush
    c Clinton
    d no one
  160. Your answer:

  161. p. 130 (top)--What letter correctly indicates the 1992 presidential presidential candidate who was elected by the smallest plurality of the popular vote since Nixon's election?
    a Perot
    b Bush
    c Clinton
    d no one
  162. Your answer:

  163. p. 130 (top)--What letter correctly indicates the 1992 presidential incumbent who received neither a majority nor a plurality of the popular vote
    a Perot
    b Bush
    c Clinton
    d no one
  164. Your answer:

  165. p. 130 (item #1)--What were the total number of times that Perot sought the presidency as an independent or as the candidate of a third party [also called minor party]?
  166. Your answer:

  167. p. 129 (bottom) and p. 130 (top)--What were the frist and last names [or two initials] of the 1912 "Bull Moose" Progressive presidential candidate who split the vote of the majority Republican Party and allowed a Democrat to win?
  168. Your answer:

  169. p. 129 (bottom)--What is the full name of the month in which a presidential candidate receives the popular vote?
  170. Your answer:

  171. p. 129 (bottom) and p. 130--In the 1992 presidential election Perot received 19% of the popular vote, but only what number of electoral college votes?
  172. Your answer:

  173. p. 128 (bottom) and p. 129--What was the last name of the 1992 Republican incumbent president who agreed to debate two opponents?
  174. Your answer:

  175. p. 128 (bottom) and p. 129--What was the last name of the 1992 Democratic presidential candidate who agreed to debate two opponents?
  176. Your answer:

  177. p. 128 (bottom) and p. 129--What was the last name of the 1992 independent presidential candidate who staged one of the most impressive media campaigns of modern presidential politics and was included in the 1992 presidential debates?
  178. Your answer:

  179. p. 126--What was the last name of the former California governor who was the successful 1980 Republican challenger for President?
  180. Your answer:

  181. p. 126 (item #2)--What was the last name of the 1992 independent presidential candidate who withdrew from the campaign while earning double-digit support in public opinion polls?
  182. Your answer:

  183. p. 126 (item #4)--What was the last name of the incumbent Democratic President seeking re-election in 1996?
  184. Your answer:

  185. p. 126 (item #4)--What was the last name of the 1996 Republican challenger to the president who had been an Arkansas governor?
  186. Your answer:

  187. p. 126 (item #4)--What was the last name of the 1996 Reform Party challenger to the incumbent president whose participation in presidential debates was strongly supported by public opinion polls?
  188. Your answer:

  189. p. 126 (top)--What was the last name of the incumbent Democratic president defeated by Ronald Reagan in the 1980 presidential election?
  190. Your answer:

  191. p. 125 (center)--What was the last name of the businessman who was the 1996 Reform Party presidential nominee?
  192. Your answer:

  193. p. 125 The sponsor of the presidential debates would be most likely show bias against: Democrats, Republicans, or others?
  194. Your answer:

  195. p. 125--From which of the 50 states was the 1996 Reform Party presidential nominee?
  196. Your answer:

  197. p. 125--What three words best describe the method used to measure the popularity of candidates for elective office?
  198. Your answer:


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