Practice Test: History of U.S. Democracy and Federalism



The  ___________________________________________ is written in 1776, announced by


Jefferson.  The drafting of the __________________________________ begin in ________, while the


___________________________ is fought.



George Washington is inaugurated the first President of the U. S. in ________, under the


___________________, written by ________________________ and adopted in ________.  J. Madison


introduces his _______________________ in Congress in ________.



            The Civil Was ends in ________.  _______________________ is assassinated that same year. 


The ________________  _______________________ outlaws slavery as an economic system in ________;


other amendments follow within five years.





1789, 1789

1865, 1865

Declaration  of Independence

Articles of Confederation

Revolutionary War

United States Constitution

James Madison

Bill of Rights

Abraham Lincoln

Thirteenth Amendment

























                                                                                                          Practice Test: History of U.S. Democracy and Federalism



After 1776 and before 1789:


·        ____________________________ was the first president of the U.S.A. Confederation


·        The ____________________________________, drafted beginning in 1776, are ratified;


·        Debtors and Creditors clash; ___________________________________ helps lead to the

Constitutional Convention.


·        Federalists compromise with each other in writing the ______________________________.


·        _____________________ oppose U.S. Constitution; Publius’ ______________  ______________ urge



·        _______________________, _________________________ and _____________________ used the


pseudonym _______________ to write the ______________  _______________.


Federalist Papers - John Hanson - U.S. Constitution - Anti-Federalists - Articles of Confederation -Alexander Hamilton, James Madison and John Jay – Publius- Federalist Papers -Shay’s Rebellion



After 1789 and before 1865:


·        _______________________, written by Madison is ratified by the states.


·        Marbury V. Madison (1803) declares ___________________________ for the federal government.


·        Mc.Culloch V. Maryland (1819) declares _________________________ of the federal government.


·        Dred Scott V. Sanford (1857) declares the _________________________________unconstitutional;


helps lead to the Civil War.


·        Civil War begins and 11 ___________ ratify the Constitution of the __________________  ________


______________–  the Union (USA) is led by President Lincoln, the Confederacy by Davis.


·        Abraham Lincoln signs the ______________________________________(1863).


·        Abraham Lincoln delivers the (1863) ______________________________(1863).



Gettysburg Address – Missoury Compromise – Judicial review – Bill of Rights – Implied powers -  states – Confederate States of America – Emancipation Proclamation