Jane Harman(D) (4)

Study Guide Answers


A1.  3

A2.  Gray Davis

A3.  Primary election

A4.  Steven Kuykendall (R)

A5.  State level

A6.  Open seat


B1.  36th CD

B2.  A district known to vote in favor of both major parties

B3.  600,000

B4.  Yes

B5.  No

B6.  A district whose majority vote is for the same party as one of the candidates, creating a safe district for

        that candidate


C1.  California primary election

C2.   Which party candidates will advance to the general election

C3.  Candidate

C4.  Who gains office

C5.  November

C6.  Upset by the underdog

C7.  Loyal party voter/straight ticket voter

C8.  Split ticket voter

C9. Crossover voter


D1.  5

D2.  2

D3.  3

D4.  0

D5.  1

D6.  4

D7.  1

D8.  1

D9.  3


E1.  Gerrymandering

E2.  Apportionment

E3.  No

E4.  Supreme Court

E5.  Every ten years

E6.  Greater than 99% accurate

E7.  Every ten years

E8.  Yes

E9.  Nonpartisan committees/proportional representation


F1.  Democratic Party

F2.  Democrats, Republicans

F3.  A political system characterized by two major parties

F4.  By taking appealing positions on social issues

F5.  Yes

F6.  Decreasing party loyalty, increasing independence from major parties

F7.  The rise of minor parties


G1.  Democrat

G2.  Change against power/hierarchy

G3.  The individual

G4.  More

G5.  Yes

G6.  Action to overcome the effects of racial and ethnic discrimination

G7.  Pro-choice

G8.  Gun control legislation/ grant citizenship to children of illegals/ opposition of school vouchers/ labor

        union support

G9.  No

G10.  Yes

G11.  No

G12.  No

G13.  Employees

G14.  Democrat

G15.  Democrat

G16.  Roman Catholic/Jewish/Muslim/Buddhist

G17.  No


H1.  Steven Kuykendall

H2.  Republican Party

H3.  Steven Kuykendall

H4.  No

H5.  Male

H6.  A white Anglo-Saxon Protestant

H7.  White-collar


I1.  Pressure groups

I2.  Interest/pressure groups

I3.  US Chamber of Commerce/National Federation of Business


I5.  Sierra Club

I6.  EMILY’s List


J1.  All

J2.  Contacting/contributing/gain office/ social movement

J3.  Protest/picket/rally/march/boycott/strike

J4.  TV, newspaper


K1.  Federalists

K2.  Madison, Washington, Marshall, Hamilton, Adams, Franklin

K3.  Jefferson, Jackson

K4.  Anti-Federalists

K5.  Bankers

K6.  Farmers/debtors/those on the frontier

K7.  In the hands of small farmers and debtors

K8.  Anti-Federalist (Democratic-Republicans)

K9.  1812

K10.  GOP

K11.  Grand Old Party

K12.  1865

K13.  John C. Fremont

K14.  Abraham Lincoln

K15.  Former slaves, abolitionists

K16.  1929

K17.  FDR, New Deal

K18.  Creating many social benefit programs

K19.  New Deal Coalition

K20.  Republicans


L1.  Legislative

L2.  A legislature made of two chambers

L3.  House of Representatives, Senate

L4.  A legislature made of only one chamber

L5.  Tradition/history, and to settle a dispute over population representation

L6.  2 years

L7.  52

L8.  435

L9.  Denny Hastert (R)

L10.  Majority party (currently the republicans)

L11.  No


M1.  Article 1, Section 8

M2.  Begin tax/spending bills, impeach president

M3.  Impeachment


N1.  Committees

N2.  Their respective parties

N3.  Yes

N4.  Joint, conference, special

N5.  Seniority rule

N6.  Rules Committee


O1.  War for Independence

O2.  Shays’s Rebellion

O3.  Alliance of cooperating states (states hold almost all governmental power, a central government holds


O4.  Madison

O5.  Federation

O6.  Publius (James Madison, Alexander Hamilton, John Jay)

O7.  Yes

O8.  2

O9.  Madison

O10.  1789

O11.  2 years


P1.  Constitution

P2.  Article 1, Section 8

P3.  Reserved powers

P4.  Powers not given to the federal government, but not given to the state

P5.  Education/marriage/divorce/inheritance/elections/some law

P6.  Powers controlled by all levels


Q1.  Separation of  powers

Q2.  3

Q3.  Makes the laws

Q4.  Carries out those laws

Q5. Interprets how the laws should apply in certain cases